terça-feira, julho 05, 2005


it's very nice to have a blog, is like you are writing for the all world but in reality in the begginig you are only writing for the ones that you sayed: i have a blog!
i have to tell the truth that i am not a fan of blogs and i only read one or two.
But my blog is going to be known has the blog of the minority of the minority, the alternative of the alternative and if nobody reads it i won't know so there is no problem.
i bet in a month my blog will be the most known portuguese blog in bangladesh and next year the most read in mongolia, and who knows that in ten years the portuguese blog most read in central asia.
i leave in 26 days

1 comentário:

Floppy disse...

sim, claro que tens razão... mas quem é que disse que não vão ler o teu blog, EU vou ler :) e quem for ao meu, tem grande probabilidade de ir parar ao teu!

bem, BOA VIAGEM para todas as tuas aventuras (não incluiste a Alemanha) (nunca sei o nome da terra...), vais ver que vão ser fantásticas e que vais mesmo ter histórias para contar aos netos!