Normaly when i start talking about strange countrys(the ones that are not so turisitic or from global knoledge) people say that i am crazy and they are not interesting at all.
well, in the other day i was in this site that is about a couple that during 2000,2001, 2002 decided to have a trip around the world. in that site i discovered very nice photos that they took from very "crazy countries".

This one is from Uzbekistan, has you can see it looks like to be a very ugly monument and nothing interesting. i think is fake.

This ugly landscape, and very boring one( i think that south of spain loret del mar is much more beautifull) is in Kyrgyzstan. It has a serious problem i don't see any supermarket or cinema neer there.
To tell the truth i think this photos are not very well taken and i think i can do better so i have to go there to take them but from a diferent angle.
Thanks for the photos Wes and Masami, they are very nice
I leave in 25 days
5 comentários:
óóóóó hoje não puseste os dias que faltam... até parece que já não estás ansioso...
óóóóó hoje não puseste os dias que faltam... até parece que já não estás ansioso...
soooory, enganei-me a sair daqui e repeti o comentário...
Obrigado por me lembrares.Eu continuo ansioso e cheio de pica.
Já só faltam 25 dias.
I have seen these photos somewhere... last year a few crazy geographers took very similar ones in Exactly the same places:) nice blog so far, greetings from Poland (now from Estonia, to be precise)
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