This is the last post before I leave to Bangladesh, i will arrive there on Monday where Suez and company will be hopefully waiting for their bottle of liquor at the airport.
This is going to be my 8th camp, 8th camp incredible, I am a veteran I am even interview because of this. Two weeks ago I was asked to talk a little about my experience for a newspaper, I am famous now! David the work camp gueek!
What is a work camp?
I could tell the story how they started but I am too lazy to do it, I am only going to explain what a work camp is for me.
Work camp is a place where you may find people from different places, with different ways of thinking, different religions all working for the same porpose ( help some community). The work can be a lot of things, like tanking care of kids to recovering a church or try to clean a river.
I have been a lot of things; I was a cultural animator, a river cleaner, a fire vigilant, a saints photographer, an archeologist, a church recuperation worker or a English teacher. I’ve to Portugal form north to south, eat to west, I have to Spain, France and Poland.
I have done mountain climbing, canooing, cave exploration, went to bars, free swimming pool use, balloon fighting, tradicional Spanish fiesta, youth week festival with a lot of rock music, a ska festival, lots of games, lots of cultural visits, winery’s, castles, old villages, recreative walking, going to discos and bars. I have drunk and ate tradicional food and drinks. I’ve met people from all over the world. I’ve friends everywhere, people that become important for me.
One thing I love to see is the appreciation of others for what you are doing.
I like work camps, I never feel like I am a tourist and I leave really knowing how a country can be, I leave that place really knowing it
It’s great
See you in a town near you
I leave in 2 days
Photo legend( church in bernardos-Spain my first camp outside Portugal
4 comentários:
Bem, quer ler isto vai descobrir o verdadeiro David, O-CROMO-DOS-CAMPOS-DE-TRABALHO, o verdadeiro ;)
E agora, finalmente o 1º do outro lado do mundo! Ainda vai ser mais fantástico e ainda vai ser mais entrevistado ;)
Quando chegares, tens a TVI à tua espera para saber como é que foi o pânico, o terror, o horror de ter estado no Bangladesh ;) Tenho a certeza que vais adorar!
olá David,
já sei que partiste para o Bangladez e mto provavelmente a esta hora deves estar ocupado a fazer alguma coisa muito interessante por ai.Espero que te devirtas e que todo o esforsso seja recompensado pela experiencia em si.
Bjs até ao regresso:)
o bangladesh e um espetaculo mas e necessario muita paciencia,ninguem fala ingles.
se ja vi 20 brancos depois de chegar estaria a mentir.todos qurem falar ctg.ja disse mil vezes o meu nome e pais. esta um calor infernal e achuva para mim ate e bom.
Hi there pulquerio, I just stumbled on your blog and your post about Good bye was quite an eye-opener. I have been searching for information on investing in distance learning so your post, although not exactly what I was looking for, has given me some food for thought. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
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