I am on my final days in Portugal.
This week has been bad because of so many things i have to do before i leave, but because i am lasy the majority are like they were last week. I have almost everything, i just have to buy just a few more things. I know now to wich camp i am going and what work i will do:"Leveling & Repairing of Village Road, Nursing & cleaning the Garden and Issue based discussion ". I am going to kalia in rajoir upazzila, in the midle of nowhere a few km south of Daka. The upazilla has 204356 people and 2048 sqkm. The majority are muslims but with a important hindu comunity There some religious facilities, Mosque 363, temple 286, church 7 and tomb 2. I am a bit sad because i wanted to go souther, in this way i will be really in the midle of nowhere, the guide doesn't say anithig about nice things here and i am staying there for 11 days. The study thems in this camp is pottery and boutique, i have i am not a big fan of this, we will have boat sight seeing but still learning about cup and dresses are not really my tipe. Despite this, i am happy to know that drinking is allowed there, one of the guys from bangladehs asked if i could bring strong alchol drinks. Their will be very few foreners there only be there about 4, french, irish and from nepal, 2 of them already had already arrived there.
So all thing are arranged
i leave in 3 days
2 comentários:
alcool e mulçumanos, a combinação perfeita para umas férias sossegadas :) eheheheh
Não te precoupes vais A-D-O-R-A-R!!! Pensa só, há qto tempo é q desejas esta viagem?
ps buáááááááááá vou ter saudades tuas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oi, bem o teu blogg esta um espetáculo... adorei as fotos que escolhes-t...e está fantástico!!!
Muitos Parabens!!!Dps tens de colocar as fotos de amesterdão lool
Boa viagem e dps tens de contar tudo sobre a alemanha e não te esqueças das fotos dos gajos giros também!!! :P
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