( i looked like this when i arrivedback to Portugal)
My biggest dream is to become a volunteer in a remote part of the world. Since i am a young boy that i have this dream to be a volunteer and travel around the world. i would love to work for an ong, to UN anywhere. Well i have the contact of a ONg in bangladesh that works with GIs and even i have the adress of GIS company in Bangladesh.If anyone that has some influence on an ONG and look for a GIS especia

list that has been in Bangladesh,
Poland, France, Spain, Germany, Malta, Cheq Republic, Slovaquia, Italy and Malta please give me a call.
I am happy today even i have a lot of things to do. I was back from Bangladesh on Saturday and next week on friday i am back on the road and i am going to Germany. I love this feeling. Moving not beeing in the same place for a long time. It's great. Before going to Germany i am

going to Denmark so i can join one more country to my list.
In my last post i wrote in Portuguese but a friend of mine asked me to write again in english so i am going to speak just a litle bit more about bangladesh.
I arrived to bangladesh in the 1 of August, in the airport i got the visa only for 15 days( they don't give more), i took so much time getting the visa that i thought that i would lose my bags and that the person waiting for me in the airport. In the end i got my bagage and Mussaraf was still there waiting for me.

The guy was very happy to see me and me also. Daka is a crasy city, full of crasy drivers, rickshows and a lot of polution and baby taxis. it's strange to just arrive and then be sent to a totally diferent world.
In my first day i got the news that i was going to the middle of the country to kalia( a very small village) and that the only international volunteers were me and 1 french girl and 2 guys from nepal that were somewhere lost in India. In the same day i left Daka and arrived to Kalia. In the way to Kalia i crossed the beautifull river Padma by boat, i was sorrounded by locals admiring my camera.

When i arrived to Kalia i wanted to call home, but it was a big surprise for me that there were no phones. Nobody contacted me for 2 days, my sister only called two days after in the midle of the night to a number that i have given to her just to call in case of emergency. i know now that those days were hard to my familly that were starting to get in panic.
Kalia is the end of the world, there is full of trees and rivers and mosquitos, and next to kalia there is tagherhat one of the biggest

market citys that i have seen, the city is a market, if you want something you go there and find it( not including postcards, that new invention). The trip between kalia and tagherhat can be done by foot or by a king of rural rickshaw. The diference between this 2 villages are so big that i can't explain( one is the calm the other the stress).
Kalia is sorrounded by big agriculture fields maily rice and jute fields. The main food there is rice with something, doesn't matter

what, the only excape possible was a litle bread in the morning with egg, but not always. The people in the camp didn't use a lot of spice because of me and Laure(french girl) but the food normally is very spicy.
I stayed 12 days in kalia. In the first day i was around the town like the candy men giving candy to every kid in every school, then in the end of the day i palyed a litle of football with out boots.
In the nexts days we worked in the morning planting trees and marking the football camp.

The football field was nice and the best thing on it were the cows and goats that lived there.
In the following days i went to a hindu marriadge. the bride is very happy(has you can see in the photo) and to a muslim marridge lunch. I saw people working handicraft in bambu and pottery. I also went to a very small boat trip. The greatest day in Kalia was when i participated in an hindu ceremony, i played drumms and all, it was really great. i miss that so much. Now for me the hindus are great.

After Kalia i went to cox bazzar, the beachg resort. The view there is great but i have to confess that there are much more nice places to stay and go than there.
just after one day i was once again in daka, this time trying to get a extention of my Visa(that only came 3 days after).
The next 3 days i was in the northwest, i have tryed the bengali train and it was great. I slept in a ong camp and in an arqueologic guesthouse in the midle of nowhere. it was my india jones days.i could write a lot about those days but they would be never enought.
My last days were spent in daka, seeing places that i thought didn't exist in that big city. I was in the hindu quarter and attended a great small boat trip. to end the day i lost my visa card.
And this where my 20 days in daka very resumed in this post.
Every photo correspond to a part of the text, try to find it.
the religions in Bangladesh

:guess who is who