The first time i was out of Iberian peninsula was on 2002 and since then i am trying to recover time and discover the much countrys possible.
Before 2002-Spain and Portugal
2002-France and Germany
2003-Monaco, Malta, Italy, Holly Se
2004-Slovaquia,Poland and Cheque Republica
2005-Bangladesh and Danmark
My main objective now is to go to every independent country, big or small
i leave hear more photos from my vacations

1 comentário:
vou tentar fazer um resumo das minhas viagens:
- 1997: Espanha/França/Itália/Grécia/Holanda/Bélgica
- 1999: Venezuela
- 2003: Índia
- 2004: Brasil/Madeira (não é bem Portugal)/Londres
- 2005: Angola/Brasil/Veneza (para breve!!!)
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