Finally is weekend! And is time to shave and try to look preaty to go out at night!
i am tired and bored to death! this week was very dull.
I miss traveling. I am making a new atlas colection but the books are very bad. The maps are in very bad scale and of corse the information is very few, and the description of the country is wrong has the legend of some photographs, ex: gives bad information about the exports of bangladesh and in one picture says that is a rice field but in reallity is a tea field.
I have finally the google earth in my pc, and i have marked all the places i have been but i think they are very few so i have to go to more places, there so many coutrny without any of my marks
Today i spoke with a friend of mine and i am thinking on going to morocco next december. Only this dream of travelling makes me going on and happy.
Today i applyed to work in Tailand for the UN so if know someone there, please tell them to hire me
please, i also take nice photos.
The bad weather is back to Portugal
p.s.next week i will work hard
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