In the other day arte e factos asked me about the volunteering. The voluntership i do is the short term volunteering and i normally go by the SCI-Service Civil International, this organization began doing workcamps after the first world war(i think) in camp between german and french i a way to build peace. Nowadays SCI is all over the world but not in Portugal. In Portugal IPJ is their partener and can send you to their camps, but you can also apply by sending them an e-mail that you are interested in attending their camps( this is only possible because there is no SCI Portugal).
Workcamps independently of the organization is all based in the same policy. in almost all camps i only worked in the morning and had free afternoon to do what i wanted to do and the weekend is also free.
When applying by the IPJ, you have to be less than 30 years old and normally they only accept for the summer workcamps, but if you go to the SCI website you will know that there is no age limit and that there are camps all over the year. In IPJ you will find a list of camps in majority they are in Europe. If you apply by the IPJ to a developed country you don't pay anything, only 25 euros that are repayed back(you pay your travel). In the camp you have food and a place to sleep, sometimes there are some activities included. In Bangladesh my work was to plant trees or mark the camp, the work was very few and we only worked in the morning and not every day. The bangladesh camp was the first in wich i payed(100 euros), this is not a fixed price it varies from undeveloped country to undeveloped country, for example to Mongolia i would have to pay 170 euros or in Zambia 270 euros.
Warning:Every camp is diferent, you have to choose the country, the kind of wor

Today i received by the Un a big list of organizations and websites where you can know more about volunteers projects in this case world wide and not only portuguese. There are some portuguese ong that do international volunteer service.
"from the e-mail i receveid by the UN"
WorldVolunteerWeb at http://www.worldvolunteerweb.org/ to obtain a wealth of information on volunteerism worldwide.
Country specific information is available at http://www.worldvolunteerweb.org/dynamic/cfapps/national_profiles/index.htm.
To be informed about volunteer news, events and organizations, subscribe to the WorldVolunteerWeb.org newsletter athttp://www.worldvolunteerweb.org/dynamic/cfapps/interact/subscribe/
The sci website is http://www.sciint.org/wcamps/index.htm
If you become an UN volunteer, they pay you the trip, and give you pocket money, but if you have time you can search a litle more
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