The year is beggining but a lot of things go wrong in the world.
Folowing the International Crisis Group report of 2 of January, 11 conflict situations around the world deteriorated in December of 2005.
-Sri Lanka, this beautifull country that suffered a lot in the end of 2004 with the Tsunamy and a long time ago belonged to Portugal, has now the potencial to restart the war between the tamil and the goverment, the tamil want the independece of the west side of the island based in the diference between the tamil and the indian descendent population.
-Palestine,internal divisions inside Fatah, conflicts in the border with egipt, this is not new but the truth is that hamas has won the biggest cities in West Bank and now people fear the January elections, and even this morning i heard i heard that the israel prime-minister is not very well.
-Egipt, the parliamentary elections was replect with violence
- China, the tensions continue to increase in the rural areas, more and more there is two Chinas, the one of the big developed cities and the other form the poor countryside.
-Bangladesh, the tensions between the major partys are big, but the problems with the radical muslim minority has increased, only this summer exploded around 300 small bombs wile i was there.
-Chad, conflict between the rebels and the goverment that suffer an increase because of the refugees coming from sudan has well has tentions between this 2 countries.
-Colombia, the complicated conflic between the milicia, rebels and the goverment much conected with the droug trafic
-Lebanon, a very complicated situation that started with the death of an ex-minister and still continues, for more details http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=3818&l=1. journalist and MP Gibran Tueni killed by car bomb 12 December, latest in series of political murders. Cabinet called for international probe into killings. In protest, 5 pro-Syrian Shiite ministers suspended participation in government, putting already fragile coalition in jeopardy. UN investigators presented second report into assassination of ex-PM Hariri, confirming Syrian officials key suspects. UN Security Council extended Hariri investigation by 6 months; asked UNSG Annan to look into expanding commission’s mandate to investigate other attacks on top Lebanese officials."
-North Korea, the continued tensions between this country and the outside world, and continued intention of continue with their nuclear program and the problem with
-Peru "Government declared state of emergency after Shining Path guerrillas killed 8 police 20 December in Huanuco region northeast of Lima; earlier guerrillas killed 5 police near southern town of San Francisco. Former army officer Ollanta Humala, leader of brief revolt against former president Fujimori in 2000, registered as Peruvian Nationalist Party candidate for 9 April presidential elections"
-Pakistan "Violence escalated in Waziristan tribal area and Balochistan province. In South Waziristan 12 killed by market bomb in Jandola while 22 killed in separate clashes between Islamist students and bandits in neighbouring North Waziristan. Balochistan unrest worsened as insurgents attacked railway line, fired rockets at government buildings and blew up bridge in response to military operation launched 18 December; unconfirmed reports of heavy casualties. Madrasa leaders rejected government deadline to expel foreign students from religious schools by year-end."
the message between ""the sorce is http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm
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