This new year i went south, to Albufeira in the Algarve region one of the most turistic place in all Portugal. During summer Algarve is full of people because is well known because the sun and beach, during winter the new year day is the exception day of a region without anyone. Now to avoy the desertification during wint

er the turism operators are betting in golf.
Albufeira is a good example of what can happen to a place when there is no management, with the savage conquest of the coast by ciment, and even if this is not enought

the sea continues to erode this part of the coast.
In April i was in a very interesting conference about coastal managment and i learned some very interesting things, and one of them was that the erosion is being increased becau

se of marinas that are km aways that change the normal function of the currents the sea increases inthis place his power of taking the sediment transporting them more to east. So here the beach and clif disapears and near the marinas the sand increases.
One funny thing is that you don't see in the pictures is that some new hotels are beiing built very near the clifs.
!I love ciment!
1 comentário:
david, és uma desilusão... afinal, depois deste tempo todo descubro que afinal tu gostas é de cimento!!!como é que é possível???
eheheheheheheh estou a gozar! acho que fazes MUITO bem em denunciar estas coisas, que toda a gente sabe mas ninguém faz nada :(
Geografos e biólogos ao poder!!!
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