One new week and in two days a new month. Yeasterday the president Lula da Silva of Brasil won again even he was supposed to had won in the first round he had to go for a second round.
In Bulgaria the president Guéorgui Parvanov won again.
In the Democrat Republic of Congo there were also elctions, everyone was afraid of riots but in a overall, the elections went threw with out any major problems, even so two people were killed by the police, in a riot because they said there were urns full of votes for the president Joseph Kabila. the results are still not avaiable.
well, i am bored so tomorow is another day.
segunda-feira, outubro 30, 2006
quinta-feira, outubro 26, 2006

This is the city where i work and born but not where i live, Lisbon(Lisboa). i live in the other side of the river.

This image shows the palce where i work the IST faculty and the D.Afonso Herinques Avenue.
quarta-feira, outubro 25, 2006

Niau is a small atoll in the French polinesia and belongs to the Toamotu islands in the South Pacific. The atoll is very small with only 160 inhabitants registered in 1996. the land is very fertil and you can gorw fruits like oranges, lemons, bananas, coconuts.
the sorce of the picture is
terça-feira, outubro 24, 2006
sorry i had to take out for personal reasons the last post but i promise to put it back later in January or February.
sexta-feira, outubro 20, 2006

i had 6 hours till my flight to Lisbon so i caught the train and went to the city center.
it was bit late and i was a bit tired after so much hours so i decided just have a walk around the city.

it was the first time for me in Amsterdam and everything seemed very strange for me, because everything was so diferent from the place where i was for 4 weeks.
it was like i was just in another world, lots of turists, white people, it was cold, the sky was with a different tone, the streets look dirtier, the letters were normal for me again and i had people asking for money

a bit hungry i hate the first meet i finded, for my suprise after leaving the restaurant i realised i was in the famous red light district what contributed for my strange dream. after a few minutes i was in a coffe shop and all the rest of my trip was a very strange trip.
quinta-feira, outubro 19, 2006
Last moments

The end was very near. i said goodbye to my irish friend in Kyoto and went back to Tokyo with my slovenian friend.
the 24th of August was the day of goodbye and of the 9 hours travel back to Tokyo. We arrived very late to Tokyo and almost all transports are over at 0:00. we we

The first hours we wanted to use internet so we walked in the empty streets till we find some strange shop that said internet 24 hours. it was not a internet cafe but a pornoshop that had internet. each one of us stayed in a private room and used internet when normally the japanese men see strange movies.
After this strange experince we were back to the streets and went to our finnal onsen at 6.00 a.m in shybuia, where the big Tokyo towers are. At 11 o'clock we were in the airport and i said goodbye to my friend, Tokyo and to my friend.
quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006

we saw in the maps that there was a park in the coast line and also one of the most beautifull landscapes in Japan near by so we caught the train and went to Amanohashidate.

Amanohashidate meaning the road of heaven is a 3.6 kilometer long, pine tree covered sand bar.
we arrived to the train station that is in the south side and that has a temple near bye. finnaly we tested the water and went to the beach, but i have to say that the water was not very clean. We also met a strange american that took a picture of us.
after one hour we were back to Kyoto and drinked in a way to say goodbye to the last night we were the three of us togheter.
terça-feira, outubro 17, 2006
Kyoto-Day two

We were not very lucky sincce it started all day long.
the first stop was Kinkakuji -the golden temple.
Kinkakuji is one of the major atractions o

The main atraction of this shrine is

in the night we drunk a beer and back to bed.
segunda-feira, outubro 16, 2006
Kyoto- day one

After 9 hours of traveling in local trains in a surreal trip that loooked like we were in a total diferent country since we had to stand almost all trip and that if we had taken the fast but expensive shinkashen in 2 hours we had arrived in Kyoto.

Kyoto is one of the must go places in Japan and one of the most turistic spots known all around the world because of it's beauty and also because of the proctocol signed in this place because of the global warming.
Kyoto was the Japans capital and emperor home from 794 till 1868. The city is now the 7th biggest city and has about 1.4 milion people. the city has inumorous monuments in the unesco world

I spent 3 nights in Kyoto but i did't see all the most important monuments. In the first day we were very tired so we just decided to see Kyoto Imperial Palace garden but

In the night we went to one of the main points of the modern arquitecute in Kyoto, the Kyoto train station. just near we could see the Kyoto Tower the tallest building in the city.
Even we were exausted we went to the river side to one of the most known streets but we didn't stay long. we saw to many tourist and we like to be the only white people around. Finnaly bed.
sexta-feira, outubro 13, 2006
The camp was over. Kofu

The next day i went to Tokyo to meet my companions of Ireland and slovenia and went to Kyoto. I had to say the last goobye to a nice person unsure if i will see her again. Saying goodbye is very hard everytime but travellers have to be strong :-)
since we are citisens of the world.
quinta-feira, outubro 12, 2006
The camp

For 2 weeks i was ina work camp in the Yamanashy region, just next to Tokyo. the main atraction of this region is m

The camp was located in themidle of the mountain and we could see Enzan down in the valley. the hills were covered with forest in which we had cut trees in order to build tables and a swing for young kids park.

quarta-feira, outubro 11, 2006

Because i was in the wrong train i got out in the first station after Morioka, unfurtenely i had to wait one hou

the art museum had a very beautifull garden with a lot of sculptures.
Happy to find this museum i left the town, back to Morioka and then to Kaku

Kakunodate is a small town well known for it's samurai district where you can find some old samurai mansions. Kakunodate has also one of the most famous cherry blossom paths but in the summer you can't enjoy it very much.

This small town is know has the small Kyoto of the East. You can visit 6 houses and some are for free. There is also temples and shrines you can visit. you can also go by the river and give the hand to your girlfriend( only this the rest is very rude, just give the hand nothing more ok). After Kanodate, a good friend of mine was waiting for me in Tokyo station.
terça-feira, outubro 10, 2006
Tono Valley

Iwate capital is Morioka, the place where i stayed for 2 nights, that is located like many bigger towns, in a big valley w

The best way to visit the valley is by car or bicicle

Tono main atraction is the legends museum and some old tradicional houses has well for it's shrines and temples.
After Tono i just go around by train to the coast. The Iwate coast line is full of small port towns with small beaches being isolated of everything.
segunda-feira, outubro 09, 2006
Morioka and Matsushima bay.

i didn't see much of Morioka but when i arrived at Morioka train station i could see some tradicional

After finding a room to stay the night i caught the train again and went to Matshushima bay, one of the 3 greatest scenary in Japan and see the Pacific Ocean.

quarta-feira, outubro 04, 2006

Till the XII century, Hiraizumi was a very important city competing with Kyoto in importance, and the home of the Fujiwara clan. Unfurtunelly the city was all destroyed by a rival clan in 1189 and never recovered.

Motsuji was a long time ago a big temple complex but like many things in japan, it was burned and destroyed. nowadays is famous for their beautifull garden complex and still has a small temple and a youth hostel. It was in this youth hostel where is stayed for the night, where there was

Chusonji is nowadays the biggest temple complex in the area. it's located in the hill and has many small temples and is famous for the golden hall, a temple covered in gold.

terça-feira, outubro 03, 2006

My second day in Japan started in visiting the famous town of Aizuwakamatzu, the hometown of the samurai clan White Tigers. there is a legend that in the war between the samurais and the emperor at the the Meiji Era, that

in the old times the all village was sorounded by walls being the clan castle in the center, nowadays we can see the reconstructed castle ( the re

the city is sorounded by hills and is located all inside the valley, being all the hills covered by trees. Inside the castle walls we can find a small park with tennis courts and a camp where you can shoot arrows. there is also a small school for kids to learn martial arts and a small temple. then i pciked my things and catch the train going even more east of Japan in direction of Ichinozecki.

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