goodbye everyone!
adeus a toda gente!
i am going to leave to the other side of the world, and like always the adrenaline is rising and here i go to conquer japan.
wish me luck :)
sexta-feira, julho 28, 2006
quinta-feira, julho 27, 2006
My route in Japan
i leave on Sunday 30 of Jully to Tokyo. i will arrive about 9.30 am of 31 of Jully. i am little ansious since i am going to be bymiself in the beggining. i am going to visit the north of hoshu, i only have an idea in my head of what to do, i hope to find a place to sleep that is not very expensive. i still have to buy the train ticket.
after the north of hoshu i leave to to Toquio just for a few time then here i go to the Yamazaqui region, not far from mont Fuji, for 14 days in the camp. in the end i still think in going to the kyoto, nara. but like traveller i will let the destiny show me the way. i hope everything is going to be ok. i will try to tell my adventure here.
after the north of hoshu i leave to to Toquio just for a few time then here i go to the Yamazaqui region, not far from mont Fuji, for 14 days in the camp. in the end i still think in going to the kyoto, nara. but like traveller i will let the destiny show me the way. i hope everything is going to be ok. i will try to tell my adventure here.
terça-feira, julho 25, 2006
Adventure in Morocco II
after one full day of travel here i was in Oujda, the biggest city of the Northeast Morocco. Oujda is a big frontier city very close to Algeria border, the majority of the population or works for the state or works in commerce. Oujda is the capital of contraband. Even the border is closed the import and export is very big in this sides. Algeria doesn't have restrcitions to chinese products so this products are much cheaper in algeria than morocco. there are markets with only products from Algeria. when the border closed some years ago there was a crisis in the city, many midle size hotels closed and the development slowed down, but now there is a hope that the border reopens next year.
after arriving and meeting my friends house and familly i went to the enviornment day celebrations at Oujda main park. there was an a activity with children, in wich one of them had to write or draw. the theme was desertification. many drawings had trees and i still don't know why.
in the end of the day i went for a walk in Oujda and see the game of Portugal-Angola for the world cup. it was funny to see that everyone were very intense wisshing that Angola won.
in the second day in Oujda i went to tagerhalt. the beginning of the day was not very good because there was fog everywhere. tgerhalt is inside a natural park and is sorrounded by hoods and hill. there i went to the ruins of the resistence headquarters. this fort was used by the morocan indenpendentists against spanish troops. even this part was french it was very near with Spanish border.
The main atraction of the park are the caves, and the landscape, that is very beautifull, after the fog went away finnaly we got the opportunity to see the view. the most funny part was when we had crooss a small water line and i realised that there was a fish crossing the road.
while we were eating in the midle of the park, a truck stoped and my frineds and the men from the truck started to talk and after some seconds this men were eating our food and talkin like they knew us for a long time. it was strange for me this but in the end they sold us some orange.
On thurday i didn't do much, we decided to see Oujda. Oujda is a modern city so old historic parts are very few. the main atractions are the walls of the old medina. inside of the medina instead of a lot of houses you have a giant souk. there you can buy everything you want. Inside the medina near the souk you can also see the oldest mosk in the city and of morocco and the courthouse and the first secondary school. in the night i went to see Brasil-Croacia, drunk some milk and got sick.
it was the worst possible getting sick i spend all wednesday vomiting and to increase my bad health i received an e-mail of my boss to go to work that day in Portugal.( in the end it was not important)
Thursday was great! i was feeling a litle better and i went to the beach, Saidia.
Saidia is coastal town that is developing very much their turism, my friend also wants to go live there. Near this city there is going to be a very big turistical project, with marina, golf course, houses, villas and Zidane is going to have a house there, for this they destroyed a big part o~f a mediterranian forest. near this turistical place there is a very important place for birds.
after admiring the destuction of the enviornment we went to cape del eau, a very nice port with great view and great fish. from there i could see the chafarine islands( three small islands near morocco that belong to Spain, there are no town in this islands only military units) . here we notice some problem of Morocco with Spain. Spain uses the islands to control ilegal imigrants and drug traffic, specially hashix.
not much has to be said about firday it was the goodbye of my friends and here i was on my way to Tangier, but now by bus.
to show how ilegal migration it's a serious problem in morocco here goes the example. in oujda you can see southsarian people beggining for food near the mosks, some of them came walking from Algeria, that is accused of not controling the migration, this men are travelling for months to the holly land, Europe. then after reaching morocco or other african mediterranian countrys they try their luck to cross the sea or try to enter Ceuta or Mellila. when i caught the bus there was an ilegal subsarian imigrant inside, that was expeld by the driver. all the way to Tangier the were police controling for imigrants.
other thing that is very easy to find in the road is people selling contraband gasoline from Algeria, in the way to Saidia we stoped in one of this ilegal gas stops.
On saturday morning i arrived to Tangier, took the fast ferry to Tarifa and then the bus to Algeciras.
i spent all day in Algeciras. there are a lot imigrants here. the main parts of the city is plaza alta and the market, i found there a very nice place to eat and mingle with locals. in the afternoon i saw Portugal win against Iran.
the problems came later:
i went back to the port to take the bus to Sevilla and then take the bus to Lisbon. i was stitting there waiting for the bus, calmelly, there was one more girl going to POrtugal, we saw the bus passing and then...............we lost the bus. it was very stupid but its true i was in the station and i lost the bus, in panic i tryed to fix the situation but the women responsible for the bus was stupid. the next bus to lisbon was only 24 hours later. so i decided to take the next bus to seville and then catch on sunday the first bus to Lisbon and i did it. finnaly on sunday iwas back to Lisbon.
worst than me was the other girl, she had no money and she already had sleept in the street ion the night before, i had to give her some money. she was nice but a bit crasy. she came from a litle town in the south of portugal but studied in Evora( a bigger town), and she sometimes decided to travell with very few money. this time she went to visit her boyfriend in Morocco, her boyfriend was in jail because of drugs traffic. in the way of algeciras to Seville there drug control on the road to see if people were carring drugs.
so here i was back to Portugal.
i leave on Sunday to ~Tokyo.
after arriving and meeting my friends house and familly i went to the enviornment day celebrations at Oujda main park. there was an a activity with children, in wich one of them had to write or draw. the theme was desertification. many drawings had trees and i still don't know why.
in the end of the day i went for a walk in Oujda and see the game of Portugal-Angola for the world cup. it was funny to see that everyone were very intense wisshing that Angola won.
in the second day in Oujda i went to tagerhalt. the beginning of the day was not very good because there was fog everywhere. tgerhalt is inside a natural park and is sorrounded by hoods and hill. there i went to the ruins of the resistence headquarters. this fort was used by the morocan indenpendentists against spanish troops. even this part was french it was very near with Spanish border.
The main atraction of the park are the caves, and the landscape, that is very beautifull, after the fog went away finnaly we got the opportunity to see the view. the most funny part was when we had crooss a small water line and i realised that there was a fish crossing the road.
while we were eating in the midle of the park, a truck stoped and my frineds and the men from the truck started to talk and after some seconds this men were eating our food and talkin like they knew us for a long time. it was strange for me this but in the end they sold us some orange.
On thurday i didn't do much, we decided to see Oujda. Oujda is a modern city so old historic parts are very few. the main atractions are the walls of the old medina. inside of the medina instead of a lot of houses you have a giant souk. there you can buy everything you want. Inside the medina near the souk you can also see the oldest mosk in the city and of morocco and the courthouse and the first secondary school. in the night i went to see Brasil-Croacia, drunk some milk and got sick.
it was the worst possible getting sick i spend all wednesday vomiting and to increase my bad health i received an e-mail of my boss to go to work that day in Portugal.( in the end it was not important)
Thursday was great! i was feeling a litle better and i went to the beach, Saidia.
Saidia is coastal town that is developing very much their turism, my friend also wants to go live there. Near this city there is going to be a very big turistical project, with marina, golf course, houses, villas and Zidane is going to have a house there, for this they destroyed a big part o~f a mediterranian forest. near this turistical place there is a very important place for birds.
after admiring the destuction of the enviornment we went to cape del eau, a very nice port with great view and great fish. from there i could see the chafarine islands( three small islands near morocco that belong to Spain, there are no town in this islands only military units) . here we notice some problem of Morocco with Spain. Spain uses the islands to control ilegal imigrants and drug traffic, specially hashix.
not much has to be said about firday it was the goodbye of my friends and here i was on my way to Tangier, but now by bus.
to show how ilegal migration it's a serious problem in morocco here goes the example. in oujda you can see southsarian people beggining for food near the mosks, some of them came walking from Algeria, that is accused of not controling the migration, this men are travelling for months to the holly land, Europe. then after reaching morocco or other african mediterranian countrys they try their luck to cross the sea or try to enter Ceuta or Mellila. when i caught the bus there was an ilegal subsarian imigrant inside, that was expeld by the driver. all the way to Tangier the were police controling for imigrants.
other thing that is very easy to find in the road is people selling contraband gasoline from Algeria, in the way to Saidia we stoped in one of this ilegal gas stops.
On saturday morning i arrived to Tangier, took the fast ferry to Tarifa and then the bus to Algeciras.
i spent all day in Algeciras. there are a lot imigrants here. the main parts of the city is plaza alta and the market, i found there a very nice place to eat and mingle with locals. in the afternoon i saw Portugal win against Iran.
the problems came later:
i went back to the port to take the bus to Sevilla and then take the bus to Lisbon. i was stitting there waiting for the bus, calmelly, there was one more girl going to POrtugal, we saw the bus passing and then...............we lost the bus. it was very stupid but its true i was in the station and i lost the bus, in panic i tryed to fix the situation but the women responsible for the bus was stupid. the next bus to lisbon was only 24 hours later. so i decided to take the next bus to seville and then catch on sunday the first bus to Lisbon and i did it. finnaly on sunday iwas back to Lisbon.
worst than me was the other girl, she had no money and she already had sleept in the street ion the night before, i had to give her some money. she was nice but a bit crasy. she came from a litle town in the south of portugal but studied in Evora( a bigger town), and she sometimes decided to travell with very few money. this time she went to visit her boyfriend in Morocco, her boyfriend was in jail because of drugs traffic. in the way of algeciras to Seville there drug control on the road to see if people were carring drugs.
so here i was back to Portugal.
i leave on Sunday to ~Tokyo.
quinta-feira, julho 20, 2006
Adventures in Morocco I
In june, finnaly, i picked my bag, put my headphones, my cap, my guidebook and here i went in direction of Morocco.
When i entered the bus to Algeciras, i had nothing planned, no place to stay and only one idea of what to do, but just before leaving Lisbon, i had the idea to call my marrocan friend, and finally i got and obejctive, go to Oujda to visit my friend.
on the way to algeciras i had to change bus in Seville. at 4 in the morning me and the other people that were going to algeciras had to leave the the bus and stay in a small local bus station in seville, for 3 hours. with the surprise of having to change bus( i didn't know) and bit asleep i picked my bag and left the bus i a hurry. it was only after the bus had left that i realised that i had my guidebook in the bus.
in the station there were about ten people. a south american girl and a old man that misteriously disapeared and came back just in time to catch the bus. the geek group, very clean and i think they were very excited with idea of going to the dangerous Morocco even they were going first to Ceuta, the "droug dealers", 3 very strange guys, very big fans of smoking maria, one of them had the five dot tatoo, and the others looked like freeks that didn't have money to chave for a year or even take a shower and a nurse that a mali boyfriend waiting for her in Tangier.
finally i arrived to Algeciras and went on direction to Tangier. it was then that i discovered that the nurse was going also to take the train, i had finnaly a travel companion, even for a wille. during the cross of the gibraltar straight i discovered that this girl was a nurse in Faro, she had been in Africa for some months has a volunteer. in the slow ferry(4 hours) we also met the models, 3 girls that where going for photo session in Casablanca.
finnally we arrived to Tangier! the girls boyfriend was there. it was funny, because he was jealous of me and really in bad mood, so i had to go alone to the train station, because the girl was staying with him in Tangier. he was very short and had llike a gangster wana be loook.a funny character.
finnaly in the train station i started my day in train. because the train to oujda only left at night i decided to take the train in Casablanca.
and here i go sidi kassem then Casablanca and in Casablanca i took the train to Oujda. in the train i had the opportunity to analise the people. the girls are very preatty and lot of them use western cloths. the number of men with tradicional cloths is very few. people are very nice and talked with each others like they knew each others for a long time. at trip to oujda people warned me about the thiefs and a women was iin charge of sending people away of the carridge. in the end there where only 4 people, me a men and 2 old womens. they spend almost all trip talking and sending people away, then one took my water and started wining territory in the bench. she started siting in the bench with small space in the end it was me the one sitting with very few space.
finnaly i was in Oujda with my friend two days after leaving Lisbon
When i entered the bus to Algeciras, i had nothing planned, no place to stay and only one idea of what to do, but just before leaving Lisbon, i had the idea to call my marrocan friend, and finally i got and obejctive, go to Oujda to visit my friend.
on the way to algeciras i had to change bus in Seville. at 4 in the morning me and the other people that were going to algeciras had to leave the the bus and stay in a small local bus station in seville, for 3 hours. with the surprise of having to change bus( i didn't know) and bit asleep i picked my bag and left the bus i a hurry. it was only after the bus had left that i realised that i had my guidebook in the bus.
in the station there were about ten people. a south american girl and a old man that misteriously disapeared and came back just in time to catch the bus. the geek group, very clean and i think they were very excited with idea of going to the dangerous Morocco even they were going first to Ceuta, the "droug dealers", 3 very strange guys, very big fans of smoking maria, one of them had the five dot tatoo, and the others looked like freeks that didn't have money to chave for a year or even take a shower and a nurse that a mali boyfriend waiting for her in Tangier.
finally i arrived to Algeciras and went on direction to Tangier. it was then that i discovered that the nurse was going also to take the train, i had finnaly a travel companion, even for a wille. during the cross of the gibraltar straight i discovered that this girl was a nurse in Faro, she had been in Africa for some months has a volunteer. in the slow ferry(4 hours) we also met the models, 3 girls that where going for photo session in Casablanca.
finnally we arrived to Tangier! the girls boyfriend was there. it was funny, because he was jealous of me and really in bad mood, so i had to go alone to the train station, because the girl was staying with him in Tangier. he was very short and had llike a gangster wana be loook.a funny character.
finnaly in the train station i started my day in train. because the train to oujda only left at night i decided to take the train in Casablanca.
and here i go sidi kassem then Casablanca and in Casablanca i took the train to Oujda. in the train i had the opportunity to analise the people. the girls are very preatty and lot of them use western cloths. the number of men with tradicional cloths is very few. people are very nice and talked with each others like they knew each others for a long time. at trip to oujda people warned me about the thiefs and a women was iin charge of sending people away of the carridge. in the end there where only 4 people, me a men and 2 old womens. they spend almost all trip talking and sending people away, then one took my water and started wining territory in the bench. she started siting in the bench with small space in the end it was me the one sitting with very few space.
finnaly i was in Oujda with my friend two days after leaving Lisbon
quinta-feira, julho 06, 2006
for a long time that i didn't wirte in the blog but i am still alive. it was this blog birthday on the 4 of Jully. one year ago i was on my way to Blangadesh and now i have a new destination on my mind. in june i was in morocco and now i am going to ......................look to the photo and guess

the image is from .
i am going to Japan. i will land in tokyo and then i will be near the fuji mountain in a workcamp for 14 days. i hope to see the north of honshu and also kyoto and nara.
i will describe my adventure online
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