On 2 of September i travelled to the north of Europe to the inospid territories of Danmark. I landed in Copenhagen were i stayed for only two nights, then i travelled south to Gedser where i took the ferry to Germany.
During this trip i violated the basic rules of travelling, first when i called to the hostel where i was going to stay i should had writen down wich bus and stop i should go out, i didn't, so i got lost and missed i bus stop. i took more than 1 hour to find the hostel but finnaly i found it.
back in the hostel i asked were i could raise money but i didn't care about the answer, resul: i

wlaked like crasy and had to ask to a native danish( i discovered that he was from sumalia)where it was the cash machine and a nice place to eat. i found a very nice place to eat so nice that i decided to go in next night( on the next night i didn't find the restaurant). the rest of the night was nice, on my way back to the hostel i discovered a nice libanese bar were i smoked water tobacco, after i decided to go to the disco.
My arrival to the disco was funny, the guard asked me if i knew where i was, he thought that i was looking for the biblioteke( i had the guidebook in my

hand and i was wearing glasses). i didn't pay entrance because i was a student. the music was very bad but i didn't care, only after ~leaving the disco and looking more carefully to the guidebook i discovered that the disco had two dance floors and i went to the bad one. Now that i am back to Portugal a friend of mine told me that i stayed in the worst neighborhood of the city and that some time ago a guy was kild in the disco.
In the second day i went to the big copenhagen tour, always caring my guidebook. i started with the cemmitary where the most famous dannish are. in the picture you can see Hans cristian handerson grave. The cemmitery is very nice, looks like a very big garden where you can walk, run, play ball but that is replected with graves. ( i saw people joggin in the cemmitery). My next stop was the botannic garden

and the the fortress.
The story of the fortress is very funny. The fortress was build to protect the cities from attacks of the enemy comming from the Baltic Sea, but was the first place to be invaded by the German in the begginig of the second world war.
I continued walking now by the water where i passed near the "full of turists liltle marmaide",some churchs(catolic, protestant, ortodox), the house of the queen, till i reached the main the square where the opera house is. Near the square you have one of the longest streets in Europe free of cars.
In the afternoon i went to the parlament, national library, citty hall, main train station, lot of

chruches and of corse cristiania.
Cristiania is a self declared independent country, in really is an old millitary barranks that was occupied in the 70 by people. For a long time thewy didn't pay taxes to Dannish goverment and is free to buy drugs there. It's a free stile of living. the country is governed by a coupreatiuve of people and put rules in that land. It's a very colloufull place, with strange houses, lot of graffities, very annimated. They have a lot of coffes, vegetarian restaurants and some nice jazz bars. I saw dannish girls dancing african tribal music, very funny.

This was my day in copenhagen, it was so long that in the night my legs hurt so much i could move.
The last contact i had with Danmark before going to Germany was Gedser. Gedser is a very strange town,, you don't see people anywhere, when i arrived to the ferry station i couldn't see a soul. the room was empty till a russian man came in, he sat there for a while quietly,then a women came after him and started havind a discussion, so it was only me and two russian people yellin

g and crying in this empty room in the midlle of nowhere. finnaly the ferry came and when i enterd in the ferry it was full of people( everyone goes by car or bus to the ferry, never on foot like me).
photo legend:ferry to germany, bhor tomb, hans critian handerson tomb, botanical garden, fortress, cristiania, Copenhagen